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Latina Warrior Info Page

Welcome to all things Latina Warrior via Wounded Not Worthless!

Bronze Star-decorated combat commander Colonel Lisa Carrington Firmin, USAF (ret.) is pleased to present Latina Warrior, her collection of poems, prose, and art. She shares the trials of not fitting in, surviving sexual assault, harassment, discrimination, leading in combat in Iraq, living with PTSD and how she has been able to pick up the shattered pieces of her life to emerge stronger, whole, and unashamed.


Latina Warrior is a collaboration with fellow Bronze Star-decorated combat veteran and artist Major Christina Helferich-Polosky, USA (ret.) who illustrated the poems with original art. The two veterans have joined together to present their art in a book that expresses their interpretations of one Latina’s journey to emerge stronger and empowered after trauma, hardship, and disability to find her voice to help others as well as herself. Both veterans want others to know they are not alone, that there is power in art, that there is life after the military, and that one can indeed lessen the burden of multiple traumas. In March 2023, “Invisible Veteran”, one of the poems in Latina Warrior, was featured by the Department of Veterans Affairs in a historic announcement of a new, more inclusive mission statement.


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Early Praise for
Latina Warrior:

"Latina Warrior challenges the public mindset of military service, as these strong and courageous women combat veterans share their most intimate experiences, revealing the obstacles, realties, and success of their military service and found sisterhood. This collaboration between Colonel Carrington Firmin and Major Helferich-Polosky epitomizes selfless leadership, as the richly illustrated poems open channels for readers to gain insight into the challenges that women and minorities face both in the military and after. A rare glimpse into the realities of military women's service and a demonstration of the uplifting power of military sisterhood."


- AnnMarie Halterman, USAF Veteran and amazingly talented artist, co-founder,

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Latina Warrior is a collection of poems, prose, and art in which Lisa weaves her journey in deeply personal, intense, explicit, and sometimes humorous expression. The book is in four major parts: Early Years y Familia, The Military and Combat, Life after the Military, and Healing and the Road to Authenticity.

Accompanying Lisa’s story expressed through poetry is the diverse art of Major Christina Helferich-Polosky (US Army ret.). Included in a Reflections section are glimpses into the creation of each poem and art piece, demonstrating the unique collaboration between Lisa and Christina.


Stunning collage art by fellow combat veteran Christina Helferich-Polosky and cover design by Sean Robertson. Christina used a photo of Lisa in a helicopter in Iraq as her inspiration, to honor both her Latina heritage and her military experiences.


Lisa’s latest book, Latina Warrior, was released by Blue Ear Books in October 2023. 


We are NOW taking AND shipping orders!




Recent Latina Warrior EVENTS!

These events included poetry readings by and art exhibits of the original pieces created by Christina specifically for each poem. We deliberately wanted to have the release around Hispanic Heritage month and Veterans Day as this book honors Lisa's heritage and documents her military experiences.


-CLICK THIS PIC to take you to more details on Lisa's website on her upcoming LW events!- 

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A Word From the Author:
Col Lisa Carrington Firmin, USAF Retired


It is with great pride and honor that I inform you that my first book, Stories from the Front: Pain, Betrayal, and Resilience on the MST Battlefield was awarded a Silver medal by the Military Writers Society of America in September 2023.


As always appreciate your support. I wanted to ensure that you are aware of my latest book which is coming out very soon from Blue Ear Books. (

Attached is an abstract on Latina Warrior, an autobiography told through poems, prose and art. It is at times humorous, happy, sad, intense and explicit.

I wanted to capture my journey without limitations and am so excited to share it with you. I used Spanglish throughout and wrote the title poem in both English and Spanish.

Latina Warrior is the most authentic and vulnerable I have ever been.


This hybrid book, if you will, honors my Latina heritage with poems about my childhood, mi familia, first gen experiences and so much more.

It documents the significant events in my life, accurately depicting the military, combat, sexual assault, divorce, PTSD, trauma and healing.

I partnered with a fellow woman combat veteran and she beautifully illustrated each of the 50 poems in the book. The imagery of the poems and the stunning art are great companions.


Can I impose upon you to assist me in getting the word out on the availability of pre orders for Latina Warrior? Available right now on my website ( and soon on Amazon and worldwide book sellers.


Thanks so very much, muchisimas gracias,




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Moving From Pain to Empowerment!

This panel discussion about MST hosted survivors, advocates, and changemakers at Texas A & M University last November - click the image below to take you to Lisa's website for more information about this incredible event!

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On 10 November 2024 we provided libations and tex-mex finger appetizers to wet the whistle of all the attendees while everyone got their first edition of Latina Warrior signed by BOTH the author AND the artist! We also got to listen to the President of the university and other amazing speakers honor us with their presence and words before Lisa read selections of poetry read from LW and then everyone got to peruse several original art pieces from the pages of the book itself - all in the beautiful Connor Museum Gallery!  For those of you who couldn't be there and buy your original Latina Warrior merchandise or art prints on site, click the below image and peruse our online store at your leisure today!

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2 Great Warrior Events You Don't Want to Miss in NOV!!

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